Surrogate Egg Donor

If you’ve had difficulty getting pregnant, or carrying a pregnancy to term, egg donation and/or surrogacy can be a wonderful option to grow your family.

Many people who have undergone fertility treatments without success choose to use donor eggs and a gestational carrier surrogate, and are very happy with their decision. The surrogate egg donor process can be a blessing. It’s a special way to fulfill your dreams of parenthood.

What Is Egg Donation?

Egg donation is the process of a fertile woman donating her eggs to allow another woman to conceive a child. Whether she’s the intended parent herself, or a surrogate egg donor for another person or couple.

Egg donation is a very effective treatment for infertility caused by decreased ovarian function. Although this can occur at any age, it is much more common in women in their late 30s and 40s.

For women unable to conceive using their own eggs, donor eggs offer the highest pregnancy and delivery rates of any fertility treatment. This practice is becoming more and more common. In fact, more than 30,000 patients annually use donor eggs to help create their families.

Why Families Use An Egg Donor

Some couples know right off the bat that they will require donor eggs. For other parents, they may discover they need an egg donor after trying unsuccessfully to have children on their own.

There are several reasons a couple may look to egg donation and surrogacy to have a baby. Some of those reasons include:

  • Women who want to be moms, but carry genetic conditions that could pose a threat to their child.
  • Women facing infertility or a medical condition that prevents them from having a child.
  • Diminished ovarian reserve.
  • Onset of premature menopause.
  • Women who have undergone a hysterectomy or were born without ovaries.
  • Exposure to toxins such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Multiple failed In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycles, particularly if there was poor embryo quality


However you’ve arrived at egg donation to become parents, building your family through this process is a wonderful way to fulfill your parenting dreams.

Does Surrogacy Use A Donor Egg?

Surrogacy arrangements can involve the use of a donor egg, but it’s not a universal requirement. In traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate’s own egg is fertilized, a donor egg isn’t needed. However, in gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate carries an embryo created from the intended parents’ or donors’ egg and sperm, a donor egg may be used if the intended parent(s) cannot provide viable eggs. This option can be a lifeline for individuals or couples facing infertility challenges.

The decision to use a donor egg in surrogacy is deeply personal and depends on various factors, including medical considerations, personal preferences, and ethical beliefs. Ultimately, it’s a choice made in consultation with fertility specialists and guided by the desires and circumstances of those involved in the surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy With Donor Egg

Surrogacy with a donor egg offers hope to individuals or couples struggling with infertility issues that affect egg quality or production. In this process, intended parents, unable to conceive with their own eggs, utilize a donor’s healthy and viable eggs for fertilization. These embryos are then transferred to a surrogate who carries the pregnancy to term. 

The use of a donor egg expands the possibilities for parenthood and enables individuals who may not have been able to conceive otherwise to experience the joys of biological parenthood. However, this route can bring about complex emotions and considerations, including discussions about genetic connections, disclosure to the child about their origins, and navigating the intricate dynamics involved in the surrogacy journey. Thus, while surrogacy with a donor egg presents a promising pathway to parenthood, it also necessitates careful planning, open communication, and a supportive network throughout the process.

In-Vitro Fertilization and Egg Donation 

The egg donation process will always include In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Meaning  sperm (your partner’s or donated) will be combined with the donor egg outside of the body to produce fertilization. 

When the embryos are ready and prove to be viable, they are transferred into the uterus of the intended mother. Or, in the case of surrogacy, the gestational carrier. The recipient of the embryo will be required to take IVF medications prior to transfer in order to prepare her body for a pregnancy.

How Does The Surrogate Egg Donor Process Work?

At almost every surrogacy agency, including Surrogacy By Faith, surrogate embryos are created through the IVF process.

If the intended parent has viable eggs, she may choose to use her own eggs so she will have a genetic connection to her child. But if she needs a surrogate egg donor, those eggs will be harvested, fertilized through IVF, and placed into a gestational carrier.

Egg Donation and Gestational Vs. Traditional Surrogacy

Sometimes it’s not just the egg or sperm that is causing challenges to pregnancy, there may be issues with the uterus itself. For women who’ve been unable to carry a healthy pregnancy to term, surrogacy may be the answer to their prayers.

There are two types of surrogacy, gestational and traditional surrogacy. Only one (gestational) requires a surrogate egg donor. You might already have a surrogate or gestational carrier in mind, but most intended parents choose to find one with the help of a surrogacy agency.

Let’s take a closer look at the two types of surrogacy, to be sure everyone understands the difference between the two.

Traditional Surrogacy:

This is where the woman becomes pregnant with her own egg, which is fertilized by the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm. The surrogate is therefore genetically related to the child.

Most agencies do not offer traditional surrogacy, as there are both legal and emotional implications to this process. Generally couples who pursue traditional surrogacy make arrangements on their own.

Gestational Surrogacy:

This is the more common process where an egg from the intended mother or an egg donor is fertilized by sperm from the intended father or donor sperm through In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The resulting embryo is then transferred to the gestational carrier, who will not be genetically related to the baby.

Surrogacy agencies almost exclusively offer gestational surrogacy. The agency helps screen potential surrogates and match intended parents with the right surrogate for their family. Agencies also manage the legal and administrative side of the surrogacy process. In addition to helping both intended parents and surrogate through each step of the surrogacy journey.

The Process Of Becoming An Egg Donor

Many women who become egg donors do so because someone close to them has experienced infertility and they want to help other couples overcome that challenge. Or they are parents themselves, and wish to share that same joy with others.

All egg donors should be legal adults, preferably between the ages of 21 and 34. The reason for the age minimum is to ensure the donor is mature enough to understand the process and provide informed consent. The upper age limit is because younger women typically respond more favorably to ovarian stimulation. They also produce more eggs and high-quality embryos with a greater chance of implantation.

Potential donors will undergo a full series of medical tests and screenings to ensure they are in good health and psychologically prepared to undergo the procedure. Surrogate egg donors will also have various blood tests to rule out genetic conditions.

Once a donor has been fully tested and cleared, attorneys will draw up a contract to be signed by both donor and intended parents. Then the surrogate egg donor begins a medication regimen to stimulate their ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

Different Types Of Egg Donations

There are 3 different types of egg donation: Known Egg Donation, Semi-Known Egg Donation and Anonymous Egg Donation. It mostly depends on how much contact you have with the woman who will be your surrogate egg donor.

Known Egg Donation:

In a known egg donation situation, contact information is shared between egg donors and intended parents. This allows you to build a relationship, get to know each other, and potentially have contact with each other in the future, should you desire.

Semi-Known Egg Donation:

In this type of egg donation, first names and area of residence are shared between the surrogate egg donor and intended parents. Then, donors and parents may choose to have some limited (and anonymous) contact with each other.

Anonymous Egg Donation:

With anonymous egg donation, you will not know the identity of the woman whose eggs you use for IVF. Donors are usually found through egg donation programs or through agencies.

Only non-identifying information will be exchanged between the intended parents and their donor. There is no direct contact. Any communication or information is managed strictly through the agency.

Preparation Of The Donor For Egg Retrieval

Development of the eggs is monitored by ultrasound and measurement of hormones in the surrogate egg donor’s blood. When egg development is at the appropriate stage, the ovulation process is triggered by an injection of medicine to allow the eggs to mature in time for the egg retrieval.

After the trigger medication, the eggs are retrieved from the ovary using an ultrasound probe inserted into the vagina. Then in a lab, the eggs are evaluated for maturity and the mature eggs are inseminated with sperm (either the male partner’s or donor sperm).

Understanding the Cost of Egg Donation

When embarking on a surrogacy journey that involves both an egg donor and a gestational carrier, it’s essential to comprehend the financial implications at each step. The cost of utilizing an egg donor can vary significantly depending on various factors, such as the donor’s characteristics and experience. 

Ethnic or religious background, as well as a donor’s track record of successful donations, can influence demand and, subsequently, the price. On average, compensating a surrogate egg donor ranges between $5,000 and $10,000. However, this sum is just one component of the overall expense. Additional fees, including legal coordination, the donor’s attorney fees, psychological evaluations, insurance coverage, and escrow account management, must also be factored in, totaling approximately $2,650. 

Here’s how it often breaks down: 

  • Legal coordination between donor and prospective parents (approx. $800)
  • Egg donor’s attorney fee, if applicable (approx. $800)
  • Your egg donor’s psychological evaluation ( approx. $450)
  • Insurance coverage for your surrogate egg donor (approx. $300)
  • Escrow account management fees (generally $300, but price can vary depending on the escrow company you choose)

It’s crucial for intended parents to recognize that these expenses do not cover the medical procedures or IVF costs associated with fertilizing the donated eggs.

Navigating the Cost of Surrogacy

The cost of gestational surrogacy, facilitated through an agency, is another significant aspect of the financial landscape for intended parents. This expense is subject to variation based on factors such as geographic location and the prevailing demand for surrogacy services in a particular state. In regions where surrogacy is highly sought after, compensation for the surrogate may be higher. On a national scale, the price of gestational surrogacy typically falls within the range of $80,000 to $130,000. 

For instance, Surrogacy By Faith, a California-based agency, averages around $130,000. While this may initially appear steep, the agency emphasizes its comprehensive benefits package for surrogates, prioritizing their health and well-being throughout the pregnancy journey. Moreover, the agency adheres to stringent criteria for surrogate selection, ensuring compatibility with intended parents.We also follow only the strictest requirements for becoming a surrogate, matching intended parents with the best candidates 

Notably, Surrogacy By Faith distinguishes itself by its stance on sensitive issues such as fetal reduction and pregnancy termination. The agency’s unique legal framework grants surrogates autonomy in decisions regarding medical interventions, aligning with their individual preferences and beliefs. This provision offers reassurance to both surrogates and intended parents, fostering a collaborative and respectful partnership throughout the surrogacy process.

Finding An Egg Donor and Surrogate

There are multiple sources for finding an egg donor. You may look into only one of them, or consider several before you select the option that best fits your family’s needs.

Using A Friend or Family Member

A friend or relative can donate eggs to you if they pass the psychological and medical screenings required of all egg donors. The added advantage of having a family member donate their eggs is that the child would be more closely connected to you genetically.

But before you decide to go this route it’s important to consider the ramifications of using a known familial surrogate egg donor. If a family member or friend is your donor, they will likely remain in contact with your child. They would not be the child’s legal “parent,” but they could have a relationship.

You will need to decide if that works for your family, or if it might cause emotional and/or psychological issues you would rather avoid. It’s a big decision, and not one that should be taken lightly.  An attorney familiar with egg donation may be a good resource to walk you through the process.

Your Fertility Clinic or Surrogacy Clinic

The fertility clinic providing your IVF treatment may have a database of surrogate egg donors available. In fact, some clinics will only work with an egg donor that’s already part of their program and will not allow patients to use a separate agency. While other clinics offer more flexibility with the egg donor you choose to use.

Another thing to consider is that if you use an egg donor associated with your clinic, you may pay slightly less than you would using an agency. However, your options for donors may be more limited.

To learn more about finding a quality fertility clinic to work with on your surrogacy journey, see our related post: How To Find A Surrogacy Clinic.

Egg Donor Agency

There are agencies out there whose sole purpose is finding potential egg donors and connecting them to intended parents. An agency may be more expensive than going through your clinic, but your pool of potential donors could be much larger.

Egg donor agencies may also be able to help you find a donor with specific traits or characteristics that you desire. So if you know you want an egg donor from a specific cultural, ethnic or religious background – a donor agency may be able to match you with the right woman.

Egg Bank

Egg banks are a newer way to go about the egg donation process. And it’s possible that an egg bank might be able to offer a slightly less expensive option for egg donor IVF.

With an egg bank, the donor has already gone through the donation cycle, and their eggs have been cryopreserved. This tends to make an egg bank the least expensive option per treatment cycle, aside from using a friend or family member.

Keep in mind though that the eggs will be retrieved and frozen far in advance of your cycle. Which might impact your odds for success. Also, the quality of the egg bank and the eggs themselves can vary widely. Currently, egg banks are not required to publish success rates, making it difficult to compare using their eggs with other donation options.

Finding A Surrogate

The best way to find a surrogate mother for your family is to work with a surrogacy agency. Reputable agencies are experts in surrogacy planning and matching. Intended parents who choose to work with an agency throughout their journey enjoy many benefits.

For starters, an agency would be responsible for the recruitment and pre-screening of potential surrogates, including background checks and medical reviews. All of this would be taken care of before you’d even see a surrogate’s profile. In addition, a surrogacy specialist will work with you to discuss your goals and find a surrogate mother who matches your family’s needs.

Agencies are also very familiar with the fertility process and can walk you through what to expect. They’ll also handle all the legal issues, including having a surrogacy contract drafted.

Surrogacy agencies are not a one-size-fits-all proposition.  It’s important to do some research and find an agency whose values match your own.

To learn more, see our related post: How To Find The Best Surrogacy Agency.

Why Choose Surrogacy By Faith

Surrogacy by Faith is an agency based in Irvine, California, built on a foundation of Christian values. We believe the surrogacy process should be communicative and supportive. We begin each surrogacy journey sensitive to the needs, hopes, and values of the individual surrogates and intended parents—guided by our faith in God, we work with our clients to craft unique, personalized routes through the surrogacy process.

Since most agency staff members at Surrogacy By Faith have also been surrogates themselves, we understand the surrogacy process on a spiritual and emotional level. This allows us to offer sage advice throughout each phase of your journey.

At Surrogacy By Faith we have a 92% first time success rate for embryo transfers with our surrogates. Compare that to the national average, which ranges from just 40-60%.

We require all our intended parents to do the Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) prior to freezing their embryos. The PGS tests the genetics of the embryo, so we can be confident there are no abnormalities. This helps us reduce the chances of a failed transfer or early miscarriage.

If you’d like to learn more about our surrogacy agency, reach out to us. If you’re considering surrogacy to grow your family, fill out an intended parent or parents initial inquiry to begin your journey.


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